This Saturday, some of FRCC’s finest players, past and present, will dust off their whites and take to the field once more. This is a match you won’t want to miss!
Players so far include Ben Nicholas, Ian Pulsford, Glenn Bucknell, Geoff Jacobs, Amir Abbassi, David Ive, Pete Abel, Mick Jenkins, Mark Perkins, Charlie Jackson, Tom Nicholas, Peter Nicholas, David Flynn, Ian Mather, Anil Sharma (Greek), Paul Carroll, Gary Cusack, Issac, Gerry Sahdra, Indy Bopari, Andy Bryant and Human Van As.
If you are an FRCC player, past or present and would like to take part theres still places available – contact Ben Nicholas – Chairman@frcc.info!
12:00pm meet for 13:30pm start, 30 overs per side and yes, you can sub part way through!!!! £10 match fee and this includes your curry afterwards.
Come and join in the fun and cheer the boys on!