The Farnham Royal Golf Society has arranged the first 4 games of the season, starting in March.
Adam Pryce is this years Captain after 10 years of membership of the society.
As everyone is aware, inflation is rampant and the cost of society days has not escaped. We were very keen to keep the cost below £50 and have managed to do so, setting the cost of each day at £46 with the following changes.
1) Unless we get a very good deal we will go for bacon rolls as opposed to full breakfast.
2) We will not give £10 prizes for nearest the pin and nearest the pin in 2. Instead we will give a sleeve of balls (not crappy top flights)
3) We will not do longest drive this year, instead will do a second nearest the pin as there are only a small number of people that can win longest drive and we want everyone to have a chance.
The winner of the day will still get the next golf day free and second place will still get the next game for £25.
To make it easier on the day for the captain, and for me, it would really help if we became as cashless as possible and paid on line before the day.
Else whilst everyone else is sitting down having a good chat the captain and I are running round collecting money and this year with it being £46 there will be the additional issue of having change.
Membership fee will be as last year £10 for members of the cricket club and £20 for non members.
The first 4 Golf dates of the year are below. Please look out for separate emails about availability for each day.
9th March – Springs 12.04 coffee and Bacon roll before hand.
6th April – Farnham Park 10.36 coffee and Bacon roll before hand.
4th May – Wycombe Heights 10.40 coffee and Bacon roll before hand.
1st June -Downshire 10.24 coffee and full English
If you are not a member of FRoGS and would like to join, please contact Anil Sharma –